Strengthening the independence of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and creating strong economic foundations require modernization of the economy in various areas. One of the important conditions of the economic development of the country is the effective use of tourism services in the consistent penetration of goods and services into the world markets. Training of personnel in the field of tourism is an important factor in the implementation of this process. For this purpose, the Faculty of “International Tourism” at Tashkent State University of Economics issued the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-2332 on June 30, 1999 “On the Training of Qualified Personnel for the Tourism Sector in Uzbekistan” and the Cabinet of Ministers 1999- It was established on July 2, 2015 on the basis of Decision No. 324 “On measures to improve the system of personnel training for the tourism sector in Uzbekistan”. Also, it is necessary to implement the decision, to create special educational institutions in our country that train specialists in tourism at the level of modern requirements, and on this basis, to strengthen the economic potential of tourism in our country and to further increase its efficiency. Most professors and teachers of the Faculty of International Tourism have been training in Poland, Germany, Finland, Austria, Turkey, Egypt, Japan, China and a number of other foreign countries in the fields of tourism and service.
More about the achievements of the faculty in the academic year 2021-2022, successful projects in the scientific field and many organized events